Hillcrest Intermediate School Home

Welcome to Hillcrest Intermediate!

Hillcrest Intermediate School is a 5th and 6th grade building serving 800 students under the supervision of Mr. Brian O'Neil, Principal, and Mrs. Lisa Banasick, Assistant Principal, along with over 60 faculty members. Students in both 5th and 6th grade are divided into teams consisting of two or three teachers and have the opportunity to participate in band, orchestra, chorus, and a variety of clubs.


School News

Popcorn Pick-Up

Popcorn Pick-Up

Students that participated in the PTA Fall Popcorn Fundraiser are able to pick-up their orders at this time.
PTA Bingo Image

Save the Date

It is almost time for our annual PTA Bingo night! Click the link to view the flyer!
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